Removing Odor.

Question:  Hi there, I sublet my apartment for a year and foolishly left my beautiful sofa behind.  I can easily replace the slipcover they ruined, but I am having a horrible time figuring out how to get the incense smell out of it.I primed and painted everything, and now the only thing left with the odor is the sofa. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Best, Lola
Answer: Hi Lola, good thing you had a slip cover on your sofa!
Pure Non-Scents® is what you need to get the odor out.  Each size comes with five empty sachets that you can fill and place on your couch, however, you could place a thin, cheap cotton sheet, one that has been washed in unscented laundry detergent and drape over your sofa and then just carefully pour the Pure NonScents directly on the couch as best as you can. More is better in this case, you can use too little as to not be effective but you can never use too much.
You can also remove the cushions and do the same with them in an isolated area such as an empty room or space in your basement if possible.  Be sure you protect your beautiful sofa by covering with thin washed material.
On the back cushions that cannot be removed, pin or if possible hang the sachets to or against the slip cover so that it can pull the scent from them.  A light fan nearby in the room will help keep the air moving.
Once covered you need to leave it for at least three weeks, preferably  longer as  heavily scented cheap perfumes take time to come out.
It may be tempting to remove the Pure Non-Scents® once you no longer smell the incense, but do not, leave on for a minimum of three weeks.  If after three weeks or more, gently gather up the cloth being careful not to get it on the sofa.  If you do get some on, just blow it off or vacuum, do not rub it off. Empty the Pure NonScents outside on your lawn or garden, it is good for the earth and if a dog or cat eats some, no problem, it is safe and food grade.
I hope this helped, but if you still have questions just email us again or please feel free to give us a call during normal business hours at 308-665-1566.
Please keep us posted!
Kind regards, Kimberly

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