Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ & Biochar

charcoal green garden biochar  

Spring has sprung....... The grass is riz I wonder where my tulips is??? Flowers not popping up like they use to? Sick toxic soils from run-offs and drifts from who knows what?

Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ to the Rescue! Use our Soil D•Tox™ to neutralize any chemicals and restore your lawn or garden soil to an organic state.  This product will restore years of damage and remove any herbicides, pesticides, turf builders, and even naturally occurring compounds that can damage plants like black walnuts and juglone.  Our Soil D•Tox™ can be used throughout the season if you think your plants or roots are exposed to any chemicals. Add Biochar to enhance the nutrients and rebuild your soil.  We offer it in many different mesh sizes, from very fine powder to large chunks.  Not only does this product build up your soil but it retains nutrients and releases them as the biochar slowly breaks down over the years. We are also excited to again be carrying a product called Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus, a biochar inoculated with an amazing beneficial root fungus that is proven to enhance biological activity and plant performance and increase crop yields, significantly. Read stories from others who have used Charcoal Green®    
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