aloe vera gel

  1. Two Ingredient Facial Mask with Activated Charcoal

    I had been searching high and low for a simple, natural and effective facial mask. Activated charcoal is all the rage and despite the potential mess, the benefits are overwhelming. The applications are endless and so began my research and testing various different ingredients. Activated Charcoal for Skin Care I tested charcoal with clay and water and oils and so...
  2. Video: Activated Charcoal for Skin Health

    Video: Activated Charcoal for Skin Health
    Activated charcoal & skin health Kimberly, with demonstrates how Activated Charcoal Powder combined with Aloe Vera gel makes a simple and natural remedy for promoting skin health. [embed][/embed] 2 parts aloe gel, 1 part Hardwood activated charcoal powder For more videos from click here Check out our other blog post, and learn how you can easily make your own DIY facial mask within minutes. How to make an Activated Charcoal Facial Mask for Skin Care (DIY) Learn other ways to use activated charcoal by searching the blog  And make sure to check out our websites: and And on social media also: Facebook @buyactivatedcharcoalcom Instagram @buyactivatedcharcoal Twitter @charcoalremedy Pinterest Continue reading →

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