
  1. Your Charcoal Eye Pad for Macular Degeneration

    Your Charcoal Eye Pad for Macular Degeneration
    Charcoal Eye Pad Macular Degeneration Question: HI, I would like to order charcoal eye pad for my mom. She was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration.  Do you think if this product will bring her some relief? Also does it contain insert able pad with charcoal or will I have to order it separately.? Thanks.  Roman Answer: Hi Roman. We have...
  2. Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes

    Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes
    Question: Wow thank you for all your Facebook posts, I never thought of putting charcoal poultices on your eyes! Would they also help floaters in the eyes? I just love all the posts that you share! Thank You for sharing them! Answer: Hi, glad that you are enjoying the posts, please feel free to share any of your charcoal testimonies...

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