
  1. Information on Activated Charcoal for Health and More

    Information on Activated Charcoal for Health and More
    Thank you: I write to thank you for your website and the valuable information displayed there. I was mesmerized, captivated, and educated. I consider myself a fairly educated person with a well-rounded understanding of common medical helps and remedies. I was proven wrong in quick fashion by reading the information on your site and doing some additional research. What I...
  2. Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes

    Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes
    Question: Wow thank you for all your Facebook posts, I never thought of putting charcoal poultices on your eyes! Would they also help floaters in the eyes? I just love all the posts that you share! Thank You for sharing them! Answer: Hi, glad that you are enjoying the posts, please feel free to share any of your charcoal testimonies...
  3. Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder

    Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder
    What Happens When You Brush Your Teeth With Activated Charcoal Powder? Just in from a new customer who shared his friend's recent experience at the dentist's office with me: Sitting in the chair while the dentist was examining her teeth, the dentist straightened himself up and inquired with great perplexity "what in the WORLD are you doing?  I have NEVER...
  4. Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal

    Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal
    Activated Charcoal for Teeth Whitening. Question: I want to try brushing my teeth with activated charcoal as I've heard that it's good for teeth whitening. Would you advise getting powder or granules? Sincerely, Ann Answer: Hi Ann. You want the activated charcoal powder, the granules would be abrasive.  You can use any of the food grade charcoal powders or break open...
  5. Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.

    Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.
    Question: Hi, I’m a firm believer in activated charcoal  We just cured our dog of bad diarrhea with Charcoal and I believe any stomach problems can be cured with Charcoal. My sister in law has an 11 year old staffie.  He has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer. She has him on a raw diet and using esiac tea...
  6. Q & A: How can I tell if a liver poultice is working?

    Q & A: How can I tell if a liver poultice is working?
    Charcoal question answered. Question: Hi, How can I tell if a liver poultice is working? I used one on Sunday and Tuesday for between six to eight hours and didn't notice anything. The mix was half cup water with one and a half tablespoon Charcoal and 1 tablespoon psyllium husk to form a gel. I don't take any charcoal internally...
  7. Charcoal for Abscess - Real Stories - Uses

    Charcoal for Abscess - Real Stories - Uses
    Real Stories Dear John and Kimberly, I have been using charcoal for my family for years.  I have your book and refer to it often.  I refer others to your website.  Charcoal has been such a blessing to my family!  I thought I would share a story of healing with it from this week. I am almost 50 and have...

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