
  1. Did you know charcoal removes skunk odor?

    Did you know charcoal removes skunk odor?
    Mama & her lil Stinker Skunk Odor A couple of weeks ago: I had captured a moth in my kitchen, I opened the back door to escort him to the great outdoors. As I opened the door, I startled one of the skunks, she comes by nightly in search of cat food. She knew she was not in imminent danger, we are on a friendly basis with Skunk odorthem, LOL. A little poof came out of her backend, which was fortunately facing the window instead of me! It didn’t seem too bad and it did not get in the house, so I did not do anything for it that evening. However, by morning, the skunk odor was emanating from the window well into our basement laundry room and it had to go. Continue reading →
  2. Activated Charcoal: Natural Odor Eliminator For Hunters

    Activated Charcoal: Natural Odor Eliminator For Hunters
    Charcoal question answered. Question: Hello, I try to keep my deer hunting clothes (most contain activated carbon) scent free by storing them in a scent free storage tote. Would your product, "Natural Odor Eliminator" help further eliminate or reduce odors if I placed a sachet of the product in my storage containers? If this product is helpful I would consider...

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