Charcoal Dosages - Gout, Triglycerides, Sinus, Kidneys, Poultices
What Charcoal Dosages? Charcoal Dosages question: I am reading your book and like it very much, but I am having trouble. I need more details than are included in your book so I can help myself and others. Your book tells about problems, but does not give dosages. For instance my neighbor gets gout. It tells about soaking foot, but does not... -
Home Remedies Demonstration Videos on CharcoalRemedies
Home Remedies Demonstration Videos These videos include simple treatments that use materials that can be found in every home. Charcoal Poultices, a Hot Foot Bath, Heating Compresses, Steam Inhalation, Hot Packs, Fomentations, and a simple Light Treatment, are some of the simple home remedies you can use effectively for many common ailments without resorting to poisonous drugs. Check out all...