#Activated charcoal

  1. Product Spotlight on "Charcoal Remedies Activated Charcoal Salve Stick"

    Product Spotlight on "Charcoal Remedies Activated Charcoal Salve Stick"
    From time to time we will share about one of our products and why our customers love it so much. Today  the product is our new "Charcoal Drawing Salve Stick". All the same natural ingredients & usefulness of our best selling "Charcoal Drawing Salve" that you have come to love in a convenient and easy to use stick. Pure 100% natural, no...
  2. Charcoal baths for arthritis & fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis....

    Charcoal baths for arthritis & fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis....
    Activated Charcoal Baths Diana emailed us a short and sweet testimony on taking a charcoal bath for arthritis and fibromyalgia, she wrote: I have tried your charcoal bath and it has dramatically helped my arthritis and fibro. 2 T in a bath kept me from everyday pain for a week and a half. I'm sold. I would like to know...
  3. Lets Share, Activated Charcoal & You

    Lets Share, Activated Charcoal & You
    Activated Charcoal, Lets get Started!! Welcome to our Blog, this is the perfect way to find information on how other use Activated Charcoal & to share your stories  with us. Find out more than you ever thought you could about Activated Charcoal. This site is for information purposes. When folks who have just learned about charcoal call me and start...

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