
  1. Using Activated Charcoal For Scours

    Using Activated Charcoal For Scours
    Activated Charcoal For Scours (Treating Scours Naturally With Activated Charcoal) Big or little, furry with huge brown eyes or soft supple flesh with bright blue eyes, babies are babies and need special care especially when sick. Upset tummies in infants to toddlers, is known as colic and in calves and other livestock, we call it scours. Whatever you call it...
  2. Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?

    Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?
    Colic Charcoal for infants & babies from one to a 100! We are getting a lot of questions about using charcoal for colicky babies so even though we have shared much of this information before, we think it will be helpful to do a recap. To start with we are sharing actual testimonials on using activated charcoal for colic as...
  3. Video: Activated Charcoal to make Gripe Water Natural Colic Remedy

    Video: Activated Charcoal to make Gripe Water Natural Colic Remedy
    Gripe Water, A Natural Colic Remedy Kimberly, with, explains how to make Gripe Water with activated charcoal powder and water for a simple natural remedy for baby colic. You can also buy Colic Calm Gripe Water & the NUMIMED dispenser on our website This recipe is made using  Detox 1600 coconut shell activated charcoal powder, because it is fine & not at all gritty...

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