
  1. Charcoal to Remove Color from Plants & Extracts

    Charcoal to Remove Color from Plants & Extracts
    looking for a natural activated carbon to remove color from my plants and natural extracts   Question: I am looking for a natural activated carbon to remove color from my plants and natural extracts. Can you recommend which one would work? Thanks Andrea ----  Answer: Hi Andrea. We would recommend this particular hardwood activated charcoal powder, this is just pure carbon, food...
  2. Video: Activated Charcoal to Remove Color (food industry)

    Video: Activated Charcoal to Remove Color (food industry)
    How the food industry uses activated charcoal to remove color. Remove color:, demonstrates how Activated Charcoal Powder is used in the food industry to remove unwanted colors from some foods, such as grape juice. The Hardwood activated charcoal powder is great for this use. For more videos from click here Video: Activated Charcoal for Removing Color (food industry)

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