Removing Odor. Question: Hi there, I sublet my apartment for a year and foolishly left my beautiful sofa behind. I can easily replace the slipcover they ruined, but I am having a horrible time figuring out how to get the incense smell out of it.I primed and painted everything, and now the only thing left with the odor is the...
Removing furniture odor
Question on Furniture Odor:
We bought a house that had a bad odor in the basement. I hung bags of charcoal around the basement, and the smell has improved greatly.
Then I bought a 2nd hand lazy boy chair, but when I got it into my house, the body odors of the previous owner has taken over the smell of the room. So I have a bowl of charcoal under the chair at this time, but am wondering if I can sprinkle the charcoal directly on the fabric for a period of time. And how long would I need to use the charcoal for this situation? -Bonnie Continue reading →
We do not believe charcoal [activated charcoal] CURES any disease common to man or animals. Charcoal is a natural remedy that does neutralize, adsorb, and/or remove thousands of different biological or man-made poisons from the body, allowing the body to better heal itself the way the Creator designed it to. Charcoal House LLC.
[But our websites, and hundreds of personal testimonies and research articles have gone a long ways to "cure" a lot of skeptics]