
  1. Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease

    Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease
    Hi Kimberly, Please send me the link/info about the kidney story. Thank you. Lori Hi Lori. Here is the page that has charcoal/kidney info on it. Here is the link to Mr. P's testimony with kidney disease. Here is another Diabetes & Kidney testimony by Dr. John Clark and his wife Julie that you may find interesting. Here is the...
  2. Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Ovarian Cyst?

    Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Ovarian Cyst?
    Question: Hi , I like the information you guys published. I need your advice. I have dermoid ovarian cyst 11cms. I want to really get rid off it with natural treatment. My naturopathic doctor is helping me with that. Could you guys please suggest me about charcoal remedies? How effective it Will be? Thanks.waiting for the reply. Regards Sameera Answer...
  3. Reply from Wendy on using Charcoal for her MCS

    Reply from Wendy on using Charcoal for her MCS
    Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) We got this great comment from Wendy about how she uses Activated charcoal for her MCS. She commented on our other blog post Using the Activated Carbon Cloth as exercise mat to protect from MCS. Thank you Wendy for sharing. Just a reminder to readers this is for information purposes please consult a Doctor. Hi, I’m...
  4. Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites

    Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites
    Hi Mr. John Dinsley, I enjoyed your book, videos, and spent hours going thru your website.  Your information has thus far been the most informative, best researched, and most logical of all sites I have scoured thru pertaining to activated charcoal. I have spent numerous hours googling medical journals, clinical trials, and websites on this subject. My name is Dawn...
  5. Q & A: Incorporating using Charcoal with Supplements

    Q & A: Incorporating using Charcoal with Supplements
    Question: Hi I have recently had surgery. A lot of my issues were taken care of with the surgery. However, I was also diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. My body is used to being inflamed. I'm taking a lot of supplements to help repair my insides. I enjoy the results I get from charcoal, but have a hard time being able...
  6. Q and A: Using spent charcoal on your garden or grass

    Q and A: Using spent charcoal on your garden or grass
    Charcoal question answered. Q: Hi Kimberly, I had a quick question on disposal of my used activated charcoal from my air purifier: Can I use the used granules in my garden or lawn? Would that provide any benefit or would it be a detriment to growth? I ask because I don't know if used carbon is good for the garden...

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