Your Real Success Stories on using Charcoal

Stories that have been shared with us on the great results from using activated charcoal & charcoal products Activated carbon

  1. Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?

    Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?
    A dear mother of a young woman with a glioblastoma tumor in her frontal lobe, called this past summer wondering if charcoal would be helpful in counteracting the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. To date, in less than two years, her daughter had undergone two surgeries. The glioblastoma, being the most aggressive brain cancer, the doctors had determined that...
  2. Peggy's New Blood Pressure Meds

    Peggy's New Blood Pressure Meds
    Peggy's story Peggy our new housekeeper called and said that although she was on her way over to clean, she was feeling so woozy and nauseous, that she was going to turn back and go home. She had just come from the doctor and he had given her a prescription for high blood pressure that she took right away and...
  3. Charcoal and Positron Emission Tomography Scan

    Charcoal and Positron Emission Tomography Scan
    For my PET scan the radioactive drug (tracer) was administered into my vein & then I was inverted feet up for an hour. Then after 60 minutes of being inverted, I was moved to the room where the CAT and PET scan machines were and I was slowly, inch by inch scanned for 45 minutes. I  have had cancer I have...
  4. Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal

    Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal
    Newsletter December 2017 Newsletter: Here we are, almost at the threshold of yet another new year, a time to reflect on our blessings and reconcile with our losses. Truly we are grateful for you, and we thank our longtime faithful customers and our newest ones as well. Thank you for your loyalty, for choosing us as your source for quality...
  5. From a Muddy Mess to Beautiful Grass - Soil D-Tox™ for the Win!

    From a Muddy Mess to Beautiful Grass -  Soil D-Tox™ for the Win!
    Testimonial from our customer Louise's. Happy Soil D-Tox™ Customer gets Results. Soil D-Tox™ Works: So excited to get the new driveway, but Preen was applied to the newly cultivated area... Nothing grew... A muddy mess... I applied Soil D-Tox™ as directed and watered it generously. Continue reading →
  6. Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma

    Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma
    Our Dog and Charcoal. Greetings and a thank you for your website and products. About our dog: We wanted to briefly share a story with you re: our dog Zoe and charcoal. Zoe had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma near her jaw and it was growing rapidly--close to doubling in a week. Our wonderful vet 'debulked' the tumor but could...
  7. Charcoal and Charcoal soap for sores and stings

    Charcoal and Charcoal soap for sores and stings
    Laura, missionary in the Philippines  makes charcoal soap for her hubby's skin sores....... Sores: Experimenting with making charcoal soap! Can’t wait to try it after it cures.  My husband Bill is covered with sores that I think are heat-related (Kinda looks like Job with his shirt off!), and I want to use this on him. Thank you again SO much...

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