Your Real Success Stories on using Charcoal

Stories that have been shared with us on the great results from using activated charcoal & charcoal products Activated carbon

  1. Smoke - It was the night after a fire when all through the house..

    Smoke - It was the night after a fire when all through the house..
    It was the night after a fire when all through the house, the smoke smell was terrible, it would choke even a mouse.....   Fire smoke Odor: Ha, ha!  Customer Judy in California was beside herself. They had a fire in the house and after the insurance took care of everything, there was still a terrible smell of smoke that was in the brick wall in her kitchen. Folks suggested vinegar and baking soda which helped some, but mostly added to the problem, she still had the smell of smoke and now she had the vinegar and soda smell.   Someone mentioned our website to her and she called and after we talked, we decided that the  Pure NonScents would be best according to her budget.**  Judy was very CREATIVE in how she managed to get the Pure NonScents onto her brick wall.  :)   Judy said that it took the smell away almost immediately, however, because of our recommendation, she left it all up for a couple of months. She snapped this pic for us to share with you.  :)   Happy noses to all, and to all Pure NonScents!   **FYI: the reason that we suggested that Judy leave the Pure Nonscents up for a couple of months is that even though the Pure NonScents stopped the odor right away it is most likely still off gassing. What is being gassed off it is capturing, but if you removed the Pure NonScents, the smell would be soon return as it is still off gassing. It takes time for it to finally adsorb all the offensive odors.   Also, we do have other options for covering a brick wall, but this was the most economical. For more info, please contact us at: 888-264-5568   Customer Support308-665-1566    Continue reading →
  2. Q & A: Using Charcoal for Severe Diarrhea and Vomiting

    Q & A: Using Charcoal for Severe Diarrhea and Vomiting
    Question:  Hi John, I had a lot of vomiting and diarrhea last night and no sleep. I took 6 charcoal capsules, but it did not touch it. Did I do something wrong? Should I have taken more? What should I have done? Thank you for answering Annette Answer:  Hello Annette I am sorry you to hear about your severe bowel...
  3. Soothing Charcoal Eye Pad Testimonial

    Soothing Charcoal Eye Pad Testimonial
    I was presently surprised when I went for my eye exam
  4. Activated Charcoal Testimony: Taking Charcoal for Chemical Reaction

    Activated Charcoal Testimony: Taking Charcoal for Chemical Reaction
    Mailed to us from Gwen I had some men spray inside my house and the first day my eyes were shining like glass and my arms felt strangely soft. I tried drinking a lot of water thinking that it would get out of my system, but I was getting worse, I now had a burning in my chest. I went...
  5. Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.

    Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.
    Question: Hi, I’m a firm believer in activated charcoal  We just cured our dog of bad diarrhea with Charcoal and I believe any stomach problems can be cured with Charcoal. My sister in law has an 11 year old staffie.  He has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer. She has him on a raw diet and using esiac tea...
  6. Follow up: Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes (MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

    Follow up: Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes (MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)
    Your stories, real life using activated charcoal. This is a follow up post to go with the blog post Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes where Wendy shared her story with us, she has MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) so make sure to go check out that blog post as well. In the first response below she explains her routine, in her second response below...
  7. Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes

    Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes
    Using activated charcoal poultices for eyes improving eye sight

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