Everything Activated Charcoal

Everything you want to know in your search for information on Activated Charcoal & Activated Carbon. From real life stories, to how to do it yourself & research

  1. Activated Charcoal Tablets in Stock

    Activated Charcoal Tablets in Stock
    We are happy to announce the Activated Charcoal Tablets are back in stock and ready for purchase online. Presently we have 365 Activated Charcoal Tablets in a sealed bottle and the convenient 60 count blister packs. The 135 count bottle will be available soon. Our 260mg USP grade charcoal tablets is a simple natural remedy for indigestion, gas, nausea, sore...
  2. Taking Activated Charcoal and taking Probiotics

    Taking Activated Charcoal and taking Probiotics
    Taking Activated Charcoal and taking Probiotics..... Probiotics Question: Does activated charcoal absorb the good bacteria in your intestines? We take daily probiotics and are wondering if when we take AC if it is flushing out the good bacteria as well or if we need to double up on our probiotics when taking AC.  Thank you, Alisha Answer: Hello Alisha Thank you...
  3. Reply from Wendy on using Charcoal for her MCS

    Reply from Wendy on using Charcoal for her MCS
    Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) We got this great comment from Wendy about how she uses Activated charcoal for her MCS. She commented on our other blog post Using the Activated Carbon Cloth as exercise mat to protect from MCS. Thank you Wendy for sharing. Just a reminder to readers this is for information purposes please consult a Doctor. Hi, I’m...
  4. Q and A: What to add to scarf to filter contaminants

    Q and A: What to add to scarf to filter contaminants
    Question: Hi, what do you recommend from your site for making a pad for inside of my scarf to filter contaminants voc's etc. severe chemical sensitivities. thank you. Answer: You can use any of the carbon fabrics here:  The knit which people have used in silk scarves is really soft and pliable, but it also tears quite easily, it needs...
  5. Q and A: Can Activated Charcoal help or exacerbate Hypoglycemic symptoms

    Q and A: Can Activated Charcoal help or exacerbate Hypoglycemic symptoms
    Question: Hi John, I would like to know if you know if taking activated charcoal can cause or exacerbate hypoglycemic symptoms? There was a slight reference to it on the net. Thanks a bunch, Cathlin Answer: Hello Cathlin Thank you for contacting us. I am not aware of any cases of people telling us that charcoal helped or aggravated their...
  6. Q and A: Which charcoal would you recommend for fridge odor removal?

    Q and A: Which charcoal would you recommend for fridge odor removal?
    Question: Hi, Which charcoal would you recommend for fridge odor removal? More specifically it will need to be placed in a breathable plastic container. Many Thanks,  Rosie Answer: Hi Rosie,  We would recommend The Pure NonScents, you can also put it in the provided sachet bags. Kimberly Question: Hi Kimberly, Thanks for the reply, this looks more like a powder?  Is...
  7. Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more

    Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more
    Question: Hi, do you have any information/links on using activated charcoal for kidney health, kidney disease, pain in kidney's, kidney infection & other issues with kidney's? -David Answer:  Hi David. You can find charcoal testimonies for kidneys on our site charcoalremedies such as this one on kidney disease. Here is Dr. Clark's testimony of a patient he had with Diabetes & Kidney...

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