
  1. How To Store Activated Charcoal Patches

    How To Store Activated Charcoal Patches
    Storing Activated Charcoal Patches (Made with Psyllium Husk Powder) Question: Charcoal Patches How long will any leftovers keep? Where do I store it? Or should I make just enough? -Selena Answer: Hi. When making the charcoal patch, you can store the patches for future use in your freezer of which we recommend using them up within three months. However, if...
  2. Activated Charcoal For Root Canal Gums Jaw Infection

    Activated Charcoal For Root Canal Gums Jaw Infection
    Jaw Infection Jaw infection question: I had a root canal fail and an extraction didn't help. Have you ever healed anyone of jaw bone infection? - Christine Answer: Hello Christine Thank you for contacting us. The way charcoal principally works is to remove toxins produced by microbes that trigger infections, pain, swelling, inflammation,... We have had some people with severe tooth...
  3. Charcoal for Gum and Jaw Bone Infection

    Charcoal for Gum and Jaw Bone Infection
    Lyme disease and Bartonella, causing infection. Question: Hi, I am hoping to heal an infection in my gums and jawbone. I have Lyme disease and Bartonella, causing infection and dead bone in my jawbone, among other things. I’ve had 28 surgeries on my jawbone and lost all of my teeth. I’ve read some of your posts on healing dental infections...
  4. How to Store Activated Charcoal Patches

    How to Store Activated Charcoal Patches
    Storing Activated Charcoal Patches (Made with Psyllium Husk Powder) Question: Charcoal Patches How long will any leftovers keep? Where do I store it? Or should I make just enough? -Selena Answer: Hi. When making the charcoal patch, you can store the patches for future use in your freezer of which we recommend using them up within three months. However, if...
  5. How and When to take Activated Charcoal

    How and When to take Activated Charcoal
    Taking activated charcoal Question: Hi folks, I think the "intermittent fasting" folks have it right, we are supposed to rest our systems for long periods of time (this is omnivore digestive tract biology). That said, I'm not so sure we are supposed to take charcoal at night because doesn't it go right to the digestive tract? DO you know if...
  6. Romaine Lettuce E-coli and Activated Charcoal

    Romaine Lettuce E-coli and Activated Charcoal
    E-coli, Activated Charcoal & Life's other little emergencies. E coli, such as this last nasty strain found in the Romaine lettuce at our favorite grocery stores...... With the holidays upon us and an e coli scare just behind us, be sure to always have handy your activated charcoal in case of life’s little emergencies. When I am dining out and...
  7. Does Charcoal Adsorb Electrolytes?

    Does Charcoal Adsorb Electrolytes?
    Charcoal and Electrolytes Question:  I have diarrhea and am taking charcoal tablets to stop it.  I am going to try a charcoal poultice also.  I'm dehydrated and was wondering if the charcoal adsorbs electrolytes? I have found your site very informative and helpful, especially with the youtube instructions.  I also have your book. Thank you, Janet Answer: Hello Janet. The...

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