
  1. Q and A: What's the difference with your Bamboo Activated Charcoal to your Coconut Activated Charcoal?

    Q and A: What's the difference with your Bamboo Activated Charcoal to your Coconut Activated Charcoal?
    Question: Hi there! I've seen the list of your BAMBOO Activated Charcoal POWDER I just wanna ask if how many grams does your sample is? Also I just want to ask what's the difference with your bamboo activated charcoal to your coconut activated charcoal ultra fine. And is there a sample for coconut charcoal ultra fine? How many grams is...
  2. Amazon Customer Asks A Couple of Questions About Our Detox & Cleanse

    Amazon Customer Asks A Couple of Questions About Our Detox & Cleanse
    Q: Can this charcoal also be used for teeth whitening and face masks?
  3. Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe

    Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe
    Question: I have purchased ...freedhem...for hemorrhoid treatment in the past and found it quickly effective. Now I cannot find it anyplace for sale. Please help asap. Mary Answer: Hi Mary, FreeDhem is no longer available, it no longer being manufactured, long story..... Anyway, there is hope!   and follow the recipe below: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe You will...
  4. Question on using charcoal powder in foot soak for Gout

    Question on using charcoal powder in foot soak for Gout
    Charcoal question answered. Q: Hi I bought my dad your activated charcoal powder to help him soak his foot in a basin for gout. However, he said there were no directions/measurements for use on the container. Can you tell me the proportions of powder to water? I know it would have been better to make the poultice but he is 90...
  5. Pancreatic cancer and Pastor David.....

    Pancreatic cancer and Pastor David.....
    One of our favorite testimonies comes from a pastor down in the south. I find myself sharing his story about once a week with someone to give them hope and courage. It has been several years now since I first talked to Pastor David.  He shared how at first he was being treated for acid reflux, but when he had...

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