Pregnancy and Babies

Find out the results others have had using activated charcoal also known as activated carbon for morning sickness, heart burn, aches, pains, colic & more

  1. Charcoal Salve Stick for Wasp Sting in 7 month old

    Charcoal Salve Stick for Wasp Sting in 7 month old
    Natural Wasp Sting Relief Testimonial. Winter is setting in upon NW Nebraska and this means the usual bugs and critters are getting a little lethargic in the cold weather.  It is not uncommon to find a stray wasp slowly working its way up a wall or across the floor in our home.  What is not so common is to find them stinging...
  2. Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?

    Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?
    Colic Charcoal for infants & babies from one to a 100! We are getting a lot of questions about using charcoal for colicky babies so even though we have shared much of this information before, we think it will be helpful to do a recap. To start with we are sharing actual testimonials on using activated charcoal for colic as...
  3. Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?

    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?
    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This? Activated Charcoal Newsletter: 1000 applications today, a 1001 tomorrow!  This quote from the book has certainly come true. Activated Charcoal is now having its day in the sun, where many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing the value of this humble remedy, which is truly super natural.   YOU'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED HERE! From facial...
  4. Video: Activated Charcoal to make Gripe Water Natural Colic Remedy

    Video: Activated Charcoal to make Gripe Water Natural Colic Remedy
    Gripe Water, A Natural Colic Remedy Kimberly, with, explains how to make Gripe Water with activated charcoal powder and water for a simple natural remedy for baby colic. You can also buy Colic Calm Gripe Water & the NUMIMED dispenser on our website This recipe is made using  Detox 1600 coconut shell activated charcoal powder, because it is fine & not at all gritty...
  5. Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites

    Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites
    Hi Mr. John Dinsley, I enjoyed your book, videos, and spent hours going thru your website.  Your information has thus far been the most informative, best researched, and most logical of all sites I have scoured thru pertaining to activated charcoal. I have spent numerous hours googling medical journals, clinical trials, and websites on this subject. My name is Dawn...
  6. The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016

    The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016
    July 2016 Newsletter SUMMER GREETINGS & A WARM WELCOME to the Nineteenth Issue of CharcoalTimes, a courtesy newsletter of and Head on Over & see whats new, read new stories, personal stores & uses of charcoal. Read the latest research & news in the use of activated charcoal. Learn about our wide variety of charcoal products. And so...
  7. Using Activated Charcoal for UTI? Safety? How?

    Using Activated Charcoal for UTI? Safety? How?
    UTI & Charcoal question answered. Question on UTI: Hello! I heard charcoal can help with UTIs, is that correct info? Can it be used while trying to conceive? Thanks, Mika A: Hi Mika. Yes, it has worked well for several people including myself for UTI's. Here is an article regarding charcoal and pregnancy. There is an interesting story in the book...

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