
Looking for info on using activated charcoal, powder, granulated, capsules, tablets, filters, & more activated carbon? Find it here

  1. Sale - Super-ize Your Soil for Spring with BioChar Plus

    Sale - Super-ize Your Soil for Spring with BioChar Plus
    SAVE 10% USE COUPON CODE:SUPER-IZE (Good for all Agricultural Products except Super Sacks) Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is BACK & ON SALE! A biochar inoculated with beneficial soil microorganisms and enriched substrates, Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus helps bind organic toxins (such as herbicides) from soil to provide a safer environment for new or existing root systems. Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus provides the following plant health...
  2. Spring Clean your Soil and Super Sack Soil D•Tox™

    Spring Clean your Soil and Super Sack Soil D•Tox™
     Before you plant, DETOX..... Detox Your Soil and Return Your Soil to an Organic State It's time! Time to Spring Clean your Soil and make it healthy and vibrant once again. Before you plant, Detox your soil of all kinds of unwanted chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, turf builder or any other contaminate that has the potential to negatively affect your garden...
  3. April Featured Product: Soil D•Tox™ POWDER Wood-based

    April Featured Product: Soil D•Tox™ POWDER Wood-based
    Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ POWDER (Wood-based). It is Gardening time again, so this month we are featuring our Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ on our Websites, and on our Ebay store. Buy your Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ and be ready. Buy your Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ on eBay   Available in sizes: 1 Gallon jug, 2 Gallon pail, 5 Gallon pail, 45 lb carton, and 660...
  4. Charcoal Green® for Gardens, Flowers, Crops, Soil

    Charcoal Green® for Gardens, Flowers, Crops, Soil
    Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ & Biochar   Spring has sprung....... The grass is riz I wonder where my tulips is??? Flowers not popping up like they use to? Sick toxic soils from run-offs and drifts from who knows what? Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ to the Rescue! Use our Soil D•Tox™ to neutralize any chemicals and restore your lawn or garden soil...
  5. Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?

    Activated Charcoal for Colic, does it work?
    Colic Charcoal for infants & babies from one to a 100! We are getting a lot of questions about using charcoal for colicky babies so even though we have shared much of this information before, we think it will be helpful to do a recap. To start with we are sharing actual testimonials on using activated charcoal for colic as...
  6. Does activated charcoal help thinning hair?

    Does activated charcoal help thinning hair?
    Thinning hair and activated charcoal. Q: I am 82 years old and my hair is getting so "thin" I have never had thick hair however it is getting increasingly thinner and I am wondering if activated charcoal could offer any help for this condition? A: Hi Virginia. Off the cuff, I would say that I have not heard of charcoal...
  7. Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?

    Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?
    A dear mother of a young woman with a glioblastoma tumor in her frontal lobe, called this past summer wondering if charcoal would be helpful in counteracting the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. To date, in less than two years, her daughter had undergone two surgeries. The glioblastoma, being the most aggressive brain cancer, the doctors had determined that...

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