
  1. How and When to take Activated Charcoal

    How and When to take Activated Charcoal
    Taking activated charcoal Question: Hi folks, I think the "intermittent fasting" folks have it right, we are supposed to rest our systems for long periods of time (this is omnivore digestive tract biology). That said, I'm not so sure we are supposed to take charcoal at night because doesn't it go right to the digestive tract? DO you know if...
  2. Activated charcoal questions with information

    Activated charcoal questions with information
    Question's I know nothing about A/C! I had a quick look on the net and it has a lot about face masks and dental info, but little on benefits and then I saw this site! Dumb questions: #1 How long do you take A/C capsules for?  #2 Can people with Gall bladders removed, take it? #3 Are there any precautions...
  3. Activated charcoal for traveling & life’s little emergencies

    Activated charcoal for traveling & life’s little emergencies
    Activated charcoal for life’s little emergencies The holidays are upon us and folks are traveling by land, air and sea in great numbers and I hope that they are taking their activated charcoal with them for life’s little emergencies and holiday tummy upsets! I actually do travel domestically and internationally with my charcoal powders but I know that this is not...
  4. Activated Charcoal Capsules, Life Saving?

    Activated Charcoal Capsules, Life Saving?
    Charcoal Capsules, A Real Life Saver! Snow bird, Marti, was down in Mexico in a quaint hotel escaping the harsh Minnesota winter.  One day while talking with Joel, the young man who worked at the front desk, she commented that he did not look well, which he adamantly confirmed. As he explained his symptoms she said “I bet you have...
  5. Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO?

    Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO?
    Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO? Question: This is non GMO right? How come It is not on the label? Answer: Yes, it is NON-GMO and it was on our previous labels, however, when we had our labels FDA approved, they removed it.  It did not make sense to us, but we complied to their requirements. Our charcoal capsules are very pure...
  6. Video: Uses Activated Charcoal Capsules

    Video: Uses Activated Charcoal Capsules
    Kimberly, with, explains various uses and applications of Activated Charcoal Capsules. For more videos from click here Buy the capsules on our website: Activated Charcoal Capsules Buy on Amazon: (affiliate) Activated Charcoal Capsules, Blister packs
  7. Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal

    Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal
    Activated Charcoal for Teeth Whitening. Question: I want to try brushing my teeth with activated charcoal as I've heard that it's good for teeth whitening. Would you advise getting powder or granules? Sincerely, Ann Answer: Hi Ann. You want the activated charcoal powder, the granules would be abrasive.  You can use any of the food grade charcoal powders or break open...

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