
  1. How To Store Activated Charcoal Patches

    How To Store Activated Charcoal Patches
    Storing Activated Charcoal Patches (Made with Psyllium Husk Powder) Question: Charcoal Patches How long will any leftovers keep? Where do I store it? Or should I make just enough? -Selena Answer: Hi. When making the charcoal patch, you can store the patches for future use in your freezer of which we recommend using them up within three months. However, if...
  2. Charcoal with crowns and fillings in teeth

    Charcoal with crowns and fillings in teeth
    Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth (crowns) Question on Crowns and brushing with charcoal: Hello, I need to know if someone has had work done in his or her mouth, such as bridges, crowns etc… can those persons use activated charcoal to whiten their teeth? Please let me know. Thank you, Serge Answer:  Hi Serge. I have personally had crowns and...
  3. Detox Fruit with Activated Charcoal - Produce Wash

    Detox Fruit with Activated Charcoal - Produce Wash
    Non-Organic Fruits From the Store Celebratory Creme Brulee Made with Detoxed Produce 100% Natural Produce wash With Activated Charcoal We don't always have access to fresh organic produce and for some that can greatly influence what they  buy at the markets. You also have to wonder what might be inside all of those chemical based produce washes that you see...
  4. Summertime Charcoal Essentials

    Summertime Charcoal Essentials
    Summer is just around the corner and with it often comes an increase of bumps, scrapes, and bruises on bare skin.  For the most part, these are just brief owies that are soon forgotten, but sometimes they turn into something much worse, such as an infection that refuses to heal.
  5. Charcoal for Cat Urine Smell

    Charcoal for Cat Urine Smell
    Cat Urine Smell in Carpet: Can you tell me if your charcoal would work for this purpose, and how much I would need to buy?
  6. Rainwater filter system

    Rainwater filter system
    Hi, I am building a rainwater filter system using gravity. Basically a barrel (55gal.) with layers of gravel, sand and charcoal to filter the rain water before it goes into storage tank
  7. Questions about Charcoal Patches

    Questions about Charcoal Patches
    Is there any harm done to the patches if they become frozen? How long does one need to wait before applying a new patch?

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