
  1. Video: What is Activated Charcoal

    Video: What is Activated Charcoal
    John Dinsley, of Charcoal House LLC, explains: What is activated charcoal? How to make activated charcoal. Activated charcoal uses and applications. For more videos from Buyactivatedcharcoal.com click here https://youtu.be/1UPxYVemno8
  2. Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)

    Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)
    Testimonial on using Activated Charcoal for IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) My elderly mom (81 years) was struggling from IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) caused by chronic medication side effects. She had a scope and a scan - Specialists and her GP could not help her acute pain and suffering. After almost 8 months as a last resort, we thought what about...
  3. Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth with Crowns and Fillings

    Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth with Crowns and Fillings
    Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth (crowns) Question on Crowns and brushing with charcoal: Hello, I need to know if someone has had work done in his or her mouth, such as bridges, crowns etc… can those persons use activated charcoal to whiten their teeth? Please let me know. Thank you, Serge Answer:  Hi Serge. I have personally had crowns and...
  4. Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites

    Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites
    Hi Mr. John Dinsley, I enjoyed your book, videos, and spent hours going thru your website.  Your information has thus far been the most informative, best researched, and most logical of all sites I have scoured thru pertaining to activated charcoal. I have spent numerous hours googling medical journals, clinical trials, and websites on this subject. My name is Dawn...
  5. Black Gold Brings Healing to African Prisoners (Activated Charcoal)

    Black Gold Brings Healing to African Prisoners (Activated Charcoal)
    Black Gold Brings Healing to African Prisoners By Carolynn & Keith Jones Carolyn and Keith are the directors and on-the-ground missionaries for Hands Across Nations (HAN) in northern Uganda. They have become great enthusiasts of charcoal on several fronts, including for themselves (wound infections, malaria, typhoid...) animals, as a soil enhancer, as an ingredient of homemade acetylene for welding, and...
  6. Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder

    Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder
    What Happens When You Brush Your Teeth With Activated Charcoal Powder? Just in from a new customer who shared his friend's recent experience at the dentist's office with me: Sitting in the chair while the dentist was examining her teeth, the dentist straightened himself up and inquired with great perplexity "what in the WORLD are you doing?  I have NEVER...
  7. Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal

    Teeth Whitening: Brushing with Activated Charcoal
    Activated Charcoal for Teeth Whitening. Question: I want to try brushing my teeth with activated charcoal as I've heard that it's good for teeth whitening. Would you advise getting powder or granules? Sincerely, Ann Answer: Hi Ann. You want the activated charcoal powder, the granules would be abrasive.  You can use any of the food grade charcoal powders or break open...

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