
  1. April Featured Product: Soil D•Tox™ POWDER Wood-based

    April Featured Product: Soil D•Tox™ POWDER Wood-based
    Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ POWDER (Wood-based). It is Gardening time again, so this month we are featuring our Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ on our Websites, and on our Ebay store. Buy your Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ and be ready. Buy your Charcoal Green® Soil D•Tox™ on eBay   Available in sizes: 1 Gallon jug, 2 Gallon pail, 5 Gallon pail, 45 lb carton, and 660...
  2. Charcoal for Pain Relief after Torn Rotator Cuff Surgery?

    Charcoal for Pain Relief after Torn Rotator Cuff Surgery?
    How to use Charcoal For Pain Management? Pain relief question: How to use poultice for torn rotator cuff surgery? For pain relief? -Regina Continue reading →
  3. What our customers are Saying - Our Hardwood Charcoal Powder

    What our customers are Saying - Our Hardwood Charcoal Powder
    What buyers are saying about our Hardwood Activated Charcoal powder Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder - Food Grade 10 oz. Bath time 5 stars: Yes this works good for me I can use it in the bath tub for a charcoal bath and also to make a poultice to heal cuts and sores on the body and taking it internally as an...
  4. Great results from using Activated Charcoal

    Great results from using Activated Charcoal
    Results after using activated charcoal Sharing results & a question: Dear Kimberly, Thank you so much for your reply! My mother was a little skeptical about taking your product, because of the lack of a seal on the bottle top (on inside), but I convinced her that it was totally safe, when she explained that everything else was sealed, including...
  5. Activated Charcoal for Macular Degeneration, Cataracts

    Activated Charcoal for Macular Degeneration, Cataracts
    Macular Degeneration and Cataracts Macular Degeneration and Cataracts Question: Hi, I am very interested in this subject and have macular degeneration and cataracts. I was as reading the article on your site about people ordering the eye pads, but I have no idea where to get them from or how to make one. Much appreciation if you could give me...
  6. Q and A: Using Charcoal to stop odor in ostomy bags?

    Q and A: Using Charcoal to stop odor in ostomy bags?
    Question: Hello, I am a 5 year cancer survivor and doing well, i have issues with odor in my pouch, i have a hard time dealing with it when in public, I have tried many products but it costs too much, on a fixed income, would your product be safe to use, eg, say I take a little of the charcoal and put...
  7. Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Ovarian Cyst?

    Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Ovarian Cyst?
    Question: Hi , I like the information you guys published. I need your advice. I have dermoid ovarian cyst 11cms. I want to really get rid off it with natural treatment. My naturopathic doctor is helping me with that. Could you guys please suggest me about charcoal remedies? How effective it Will be? Thanks.waiting for the reply. Regards Sameera Answer...

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