
Looking for info on using activated charcoal, powder, granulated, capsules, tablets, filters, & more activated carbon? Find it here

  1. Charcoal for removing furniture odor

    Charcoal for removing furniture odor
    Removing furniture odor Question on Furniture Odor: We bought a house that had a bad odor in the basement. I hung bags of charcoal around the basement, and the smell has improved greatly. Then I bought a 2nd hand lazy boy chair, but when I got it into my house, the body odors of the previous owner has taken over the smell of the room. So I have a bowl of charcoal under the chair at this time, but am wondering if I can sprinkle the charcoal directly on the fabric for a period of time. And how long would I need to use the charcoal for this situation? -Bonnie Continue reading →
  2. Did you know charcoal removes skunk odor?

    Did you know charcoal removes skunk odor?
    Mama & her lil Stinker Skunk Odor A couple of weeks ago: I had captured a moth in my kitchen, I opened the back door to escort him to the great outdoors. As I opened the door, I startled one of the skunks, she comes by nightly in search of cat food. She knew she was not in imminent danger, we are on a friendly basis with Skunk odorthem, LOL. A little poof came out of her backend, which was fortunately facing the window instead of me! It didn’t seem too bad and it did not get in the house, so I did not do anything for it that evening. However, by morning, the skunk odor was emanating from the window well into our basement laundry room and it had to go. Continue reading →
  3. Newsletter: Grand Opening

    Newsletter: Grand Opening
    First of all, Welcome! Grand opening of our newest website, which is also our namesake:! Grand opening You can check out our 2017 Newsletter for more information about our new website here. And remember to share our news, share our blog post & share our website, so that your friends will also discover the amazing world of activated charcoal! And...
  4. Add Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal to your morning routine

    Add Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal to your morning routine
    Take your morning routine to the next level, and add our Detox & Cleanse activated charcoal powder. Start the day off right with Charcoal. First, how can you make your morning juice even better? You add our Detox & Cleanse Activated charcoal powder. Simple and easy to do, just add a spoonful to your fresh juice or smoothies and stir...
  5. Toxins: Does Charcoal remove toxins at cellular level?

    Toxins: Does Charcoal remove toxins at cellular level?
    Activated Charcoal question on removing toxins. Cellular Toxins Question: Does Activated Charcoal take toxins at cellular levels, ie from all the systems and not just inside the digestive system? thank you Answer: Good question, of which the answer is yes! Activated charcoal is simply amazing. When applied topically, such as with a poultice, or as a gel, or cream where you apply...
  6. Charcoal and Charcoal soap for sores and stings

    Charcoal and Charcoal soap for sores and stings
    Laura, missionary in the Philippines  makes charcoal soap for her hubby's skin sores....... Sores: Experimenting with making charcoal soap! Can’t wait to try it after it cures.  My husband Bill is covered with sores that I think are heat-related (Kinda looks like Job with his shirt off!), and I want to use this on him. Thank you again SO much...
  7. Activated Charcoal for Cold Sores? How?

    Activated Charcoal for Cold Sores? How?
    Using Activated Charcoal for Cold Sores. Cold Sores Question: Hello I’m writing to you because I had read somewhere about activated charcoal being useful against cold sores, amongst other things. I have taken powdered charcoal for years, internally, when I feel poorly or have eaten out at a restaurant and have been unsure how ‘healthy’ the food was. However, I’ve...

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