
  1. Detox Fruit with Activated Charcoal - Produce Wash

    Detox Fruit with Activated Charcoal - Produce Wash
    Non-Organic Fruits From the Store Celebratory Creme Brulee Made with Detoxed Produce 100% Natural Produce wash With Activated Charcoal We don't always have access to fresh organic produce and for some that can greatly influence what they  buy at the markets. You also have to wonder what might be inside all of those chemical based produce washes that you see...
  2. Teeth Extraction and Using Activated Charcoal

    Teeth Extraction and Using Activated Charcoal
    Using Activated Charcoal after teeth extraction. Hi, Is it safe/beneficial to brush with activated charcoal after a tooth extraction? I've had two bottom left molars extracted two weeks ago. There are still holes... Thanks! Marie Hi Marie. Yes, it would be safe to use the charcoal after an extraction, in fact I have!  It really helped heal the wound quickly...
  3. Charcoal for Pain Relief after Torn Rotator Cuff Surgery?

    Charcoal for Pain Relief after Torn Rotator Cuff Surgery?
    How to use Charcoal For Pain Management? Pain relief question: How to use poultice for torn rotator cuff surgery? For pain relief? -Regina Continue reading →
  4. Add Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal to your morning routine

    Add Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal to your morning routine
    Take your morning routine to the next level, and add our Detox & Cleanse activated charcoal powder. Start the day off right with Charcoal. First, how can you make your morning juice even better? You add our Detox & Cleanse Activated charcoal powder. Simple and easy to do, just add a spoonful to your fresh juice or smoothies and stir...
  5. Great results from using Activated Charcoal

    Great results from using Activated Charcoal
    Results after using activated charcoal Sharing results & a question: Dear Kimberly, Thank you so much for your reply! My mother was a little skeptical about taking your product, because of the lack of a seal on the bottle top (on inside), but I convinced her that it was totally safe, when she explained that everything else was sealed, including...
  6. Q and A: Using Charcoal to stop odor in ostomy bags?

    Q and A: Using Charcoal to stop odor in ostomy bags?
    Question: Hello, I am a 5 year cancer survivor and doing well, i have issues with odor in my pouch, i have a hard time dealing with it when in public, I have tried many products but it costs too much, on a fixed income, would your product be safe to use, eg, say I take a little of the charcoal and put...
  7. Video: Uses Activated Charcoal Capsules

    Video: Uses Activated Charcoal Capsules
    Kimberly, with, explains various uses and applications of Activated Charcoal Capsules. For more videos from click here Buy the capsules on our website: Activated Charcoal Capsules Buy on Amazon: (affiliate) Activated Charcoal Capsules, Blister packs

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