#Activated charcoal

  1. Be ready with our Pure Non-Scents Face Mask,

    Be ready with our Pure Non-Scents Face Mask,
    Be ready with our Pure Non-Scents Face Mask. Are you ready? Do you have issues breathing in chemicals and fragrances, or have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)? How about travel internationally to countries with airborne disease alerts? Do you work in a high risk hospital environment? Are you concerned about possible exposure to Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or Radioactive (NBCR) agents? Our PNS masks use the same fabric used in Military, and HAZMAT suits for NBCR protection. They are also silver impregnated to kill and neutralize all kinds of microbes. Be ready, purchase our Pure Non-Scents Masks Other blog posts you might enjoy reading Q & A: About Pure NonScents face mask, washing & wearing A: About Pure Non-Scents Face Masks (MCS) Activated Charcoal Testimony: Taking Charcoal for Chemical Reaction Kind words from a Customer, Activated charcoal helped MCS and EHS Be ready face mask Continue reading →
  2. Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma

    Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma
    Our Dog and Charcoal. Greetings and a thank you for your website and products. About our dog: We wanted to briefly share a story with you re: our dog Zoe and charcoal. Zoe had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma near her jaw and it was growing rapidly--close to doubling in a week. Our wonderful vet 'debulked' the tumor but could...
  3. Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?

    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?
    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This? Activated Charcoal Newsletter: 1000 applications today, a 1001 tomorrow!  This quote from the book CharcoalRemedies.com has certainly come true. Activated Charcoal is now having its day in the sun, where many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing the value of this humble remedy, which is truly super natural.   YOU'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED HERE! From facial...
  4. Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO?

    Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO?
    Are your charcoal capsules NON-GMO? Question: This is non GMO right? How come It is not on the label? Answer: Yes, it is NON-GMO and it was on our previous labels, however, when we had our labels FDA approved, they removed it.  It did not make sense to us, but we complied to their requirements. Our charcoal capsules are very pure...
  5. Using Activated Carbon Fabric to Wear?

    Using Activated Carbon Fabric to Wear?
    Using Activated Carbon Fabric & Shipping question... Carbon Fabric question: I am interested in purchasing charcoal fabrics that can be worn. Could you advise what you have available and what shipping costs are to Australia please? Would also be interested in purchasing some of your products so again was wondering what shipping costs would be to Australia .Thanks, Christine Answer: Hi Christine...
  6. Neutralize Herbicide killing Lawn Grass

    Neutralize Herbicide killing Lawn Grass
    Neutralize Question: Hello.  I have recently spread Herbicide and went to wash of the spreader. The wash off got into my lawn grass and is now killing it. Need to neutralize the soil and I am looking for some help. Thanks you. Answer: Hi. You would need the Soil Detox Wood base for this use. You will need to mix it...
  7. Your Charcoal Eye Pad for Macular Degeneration

    Your Charcoal Eye Pad for Macular Degeneration
    Charcoal Eye Pad Macular Degeneration Question: HI, I would like to order charcoal eye pad for my mom. She was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration.  Do you think if this product will bring her some relief? Also does it contain insert able pad with charcoal or will I have to order it separately.? Thanks.  Roman Answer: Hi Roman. We have...

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